Monday, November 10, 2014

United Nations, The Best Institution Ever Created by Man

History have seen many alliances, many confederations, and many coalitions for many political purposes. Such as the League of Nations to prevent another World War, NATO to prevent spread of Communism, European Union to prevent European economic collapse, Peloponnesian League to prevent Persian invasion, Holy League to prevent Islam invasions. But none as great and awesome as the United Nations. There is WHO, the World Health Organization, which combats global diseases, there is UN Security Council that addresses global wars, there is the UN Declaration of Human Rights that proclaims the standard for general human liberties and rights, there’s the HNCHR that deals with refugee problems, DESA that address global economic and social affairs, etc. The United Nations is the single greatest achievement in international collaboration. No other organizations or corporations have the resources nor the logistics to do the amount of good the United Nations does.

Many correspondents would argue that the United Nation is all name no power. Take for example, the number of useless members in the United Nations Security Council: Chad, Chile, Jordan, Nigeria, etc. they are barely even a development nation let alone be considered be a regional power. For if either China or Russia decides to veto a military action from being passed, the entire UN cannot do a thing about it such as the wars in Syria, in Iraq, or about North Korea. The UN have no official military force, it has to use volunteer troops donated by member countries to enforce its proclamations. Have no taxes, UN gets majority of its funding from the U.S. government. And the UN have no sovereignty, its buildings and employees are all in a member country and under that country’s local jurisdiction.

Why is it so great then? Because it built the foundation for any global co-operation that will include almost every country on Earth. The United Nation is very similar to NATO before the Warsaw Pact, NATO back then was a purely diplomatic relationship organization with post-war European nations now it became a military alliance that includes majority of Europe and North America. The function of NATO changed during the Cold War. It had to militarize itself and its members to combat the threat of the Soviet Union. The United Nations can and would likely to militarize its functions and powers if such a threat is present against the people of this planet. Threats such as potential global epidemic such as Ebola, natural disasters that arise from climate change, economic threats such as rampant refugees or stock market collapse, planetary threats such as meteors and big asteroids, etc.

I believe the UN could one day become another NATO instead of another League of Nations. Its current functions are essential to maintain global peace and prosperity. Even If we do ever find ourselves facing an enemy that is more powerful than the U.S., such as Ebola on Black Plague scale or Skynet, the United Nations is the organization that the people of the world will look towards to for help. And the United Nations will deliver it.
Wilde, Robert. "NATO." About Education. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
"Functions and Powers." United Nations Security Council. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
"United Nations." Wikipedia. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.


  1. This post was very thought provoking and interesting, however I would contend that many people of the world would not look to the United Nations for support in a time of crisis simply because it has no military force. The people would likely look to their respective countries and their respective country's allies for support because they have some military forces making them a more legitimate actor in the eyes of the people.

  2. I agree that the UN will not end up like the League of Nations, but only as long as America fully backs it and as long as another world war doesn't happen for a third time. The UN has done some good things, and I believe that they will continue to do so.
